Frequently asked questions

  In case the applicant owes the payment of the car, how many installments Finance will be able to seize the car
  The petitioner must pay the full 3 installments, the finance will cancel the contract. And a letter informs them 30 days in advance to be able to seize the vehicle But if the petitioner signs the document to allow the car to go Finance way, you can seize the car

  In case the applicant owes the payment of the car, how many installments Finance will be able to seize the car
  The petitioner must pay the full 3 installments, the finance will cancel the contract. And a letter informs them 30 days in advance to be able to seize the vehicle But if the petitioner signs the document to allow the car to go Finance way, you can seize the car
What are the conditions for a business to be filed for social enterprise registration?
According to the Social Enterprise Promotion Act, B.E. 2562, the conditions Or business objectives It must be performed in a social contribution manner according to Section 5 specified as follows.

1. Its main objective is to promote the employment of people who deserve a special promotion. Solving problems or developing a community, society or environment Or for other common interests or return benefits To society as prescribed by the Minister

2. Has income of not less than fifty percent from selling products or services. Except business Who do not wish to share profits with partners or shareholders may earn less than fifty percent from Distribution of goods or services in accordance with the rules, procedures and conditions prescribed by the Commission.

3.Take the profits not less than seventy percent for the purpose of (1) and share the profit. To the owner of the business or shareholders not more than thirty percent of the total profits. By considering the investment In their own businesses that have production or service processes that are in accordance with (1) or business expansion For the purposes under (1) in accordance with the conditions prescribed by the Commission is the use of profits for social use.

4. Have good corporate governance.

5. Has never been revoked the registration of a social enterprise. Except after the expiration of two years after Until the date of submission of the application for registration for promotion or support under this Act

6. No partner Director or person with management power on behalf of the juristic person Or shareholders who hold shares since Twenty five percent or more Former partner Director or person with management power on behalf of the juristic person Or shareholder since Twenty five percent or more In the business which has been revoked the registration under (5) unless it can be proven that he or she does not have Participate in or become aware of an act of a juristic person causing the profit calculation registration to be revoked. And profit sharing under (3) and good corporate governance under (4) shall be as prescribed by the Commission.

How many types of social enterprise registration are there? And what is included
Registration of social enterprises According to the Social Enterprise Promotion Act, 2019, Section 6 states that Social enterprise registration is divided into two types as follows.

1. a social enterprise that does not wish to share profits with partners or shareholders

2. A social enterprise wishing to share profits with partners or shareholders

  In case the applicant owes the payment of the car, how many installments Finance will be able to seize the car
  The petitioner must pay the full 3 installments, the finance will cancel the contract. And a letter informs them 30 days in advance to be able to seize the vehicle But if the petitioner signs the document to allow the car to go Finance way, you can seize the car

  In case the applicant owes the payment of the car, how many installments Finance will be able to seize the car
  The petitioner must pay the full 3 installments, the finance will cancel the contract. And a letter informs them 30 days in advance to be able to seize the vehicle But if the petitioner signs the document to allow the car to go Finance way, you can seize the car